

A democracy is central to the idea that each member of society has equal influence in making the decisions that affect us all. However, within many “democracies,” that isn’t the reality—certain people have more influence than others, and that imbalance of power results in societies and economies that don’t support the needs of all people. A wellbeing economy is democratic and includes everyone.

Oil and Gas Industry has Pumped Millions Into Campaigns (Suzanne Goldenberg & Helena Bengtsson)

Many elected officials accept campaign finance donations from massive oil and gas corporations. The interests of these companies are in direct opposition with the health of the planet. If people with large amounts of money continue to donate to candidates in order to have their interests protected, democracy will continue to be compromised.

What if Sociologists Had as Much Influence as Economists? (Neil Irwin)

Mainstream economists have incredible influence in American politics, and they don’t normally have all the sociological tools to make informed decisions about most policies. This article explores how politics could be transformed if we abandon our traditional economic goals and thinking.

Which Millionaire are You Voting For? (Nick Carnes)

Nick Carnes argues that we’re always governed by the rich, and that has consequences for public policy. How do we elect officials who are more representative of society as a whole? What impact will a diverse body of elected officials have on public policy?