
We must tell stories in order to be understood by others. Storytelling is an important evolutionary adaptation that benefits our health and allows us to feel belonging. No single experience is universal, and that must be understood if we’re serious about including and meeting the needs of everyone. Some voices are louder than others, and an economy built for wellbeing gives a voice to people who are currently voiceless.

A Growing Number of US Flood Survivors Seek Answers (Laurie Mazur)

Midwest American states are battling some of the worst flooding they have experienced in decades as rain and snow melt from the recent "bomb cyclone" has inundated rivers and streams.

Climate Change Could Destroy His Home in Peru. So He Sued an Energy Company in Germany. (Brooke Jarvis)

We’re not all equally responsible for the planetary destruction that causes climate change. Massive corporations create a disproportionate amount of gas emissions and pollution. This is the story of how one man took legal action and took one of the world’s largest polluters to court.

Indigenous People Go To Court to Save the Amazon from Oil Company Greed (Reynard Loki)

On Feb. 27, hundreds of Indigenous Waorani elders, youth and leaders arrived in the city of Puyo, Ecuador. They left their homes deep in the Amazon rainforest to peacefully march through the streets, hold banners, sing songs and, most importantly, submit documents to the provincial Judicial Council to launch a lawsuit seeking to stop the government from auctioning off their ancestral lands in the Pastaza region to oil companies.